Who are we?

The address of our site is: http://www.celestal.fr.


Quand vous laissez un commentaire sur notre site, les données inscrites dans le formulaire de commentaire, mais aussi votre adresse IP et l’agent utilisateur de votre navigateur sont collectés pour nous aider à la détection des commentaires indésirables.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) can be sent to the Gravatar service to verify that you are using it. Gravatar’s privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After validation of your comment, your profile picture will be publicly visible next to your comment.


Si vous téléversez des images sur le site, nous vous conseillons d’éviter de téléverser des images contenant des données EXIF de coordonnées GPS. Les personnes visitant votre site peuvent télécharger et extraire des données de localisation depuis ces images.


If you leave a comment on our site, you will be asked to save your name, email address and site in cookies. This is only for your convenience so you don’t have to enter this information if you leave another comment later. These cookies expire after one year.

If you go to the login page, a temporary cookie will be set to determine if your browser accepts cookies. It does not contain any personal data and will be deleted automatically when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will set a number of cookies to store your login information and screen preferences. The lifetime of a connection cookie is two days, that of a screen option cookie is one year. If you check “Remember me”, your login cookie will be kept for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookie will be deleted.

By editing or publishing a publication, an additional cookie will be stored in your browser. This cookie does not include any personal data. It simply indicates the ID of the publication you just modified. It expires after one day.

Embedded content from other sites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles…). Content embedded from other sites behaves in the same way as if the visitor were on that other site.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking tools, track your interactions with these embedded contents if you have an account logged on their website.

Use and transmission of your personal data

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

How long your data is stored

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are kept indefinitely. This will automatically recognize and approve subsequent comments instead of leaving them in the moderation queue.

For accounts that register on our site (if any), we also store the personal data specified in their profile. All accounts can view, edit or delete their personal information at any time (with the exception of their login). Site managers can also view and modify this information.

The rights you have over your data

Si vous avez un compte ou si vous avez laissé des commentaires sur le site, vous pouvez demander à recevoir un fichier contenant toutes les données personnelles que nous possédons à votre sujet, incluant celles que vous nous avez fournies. Vous pouvez également demander la suppression des données personnelles vous concernant. Cela ne prend pas en compte les données stockées à des fins administratives, légales ou pour des raisons de sécurité.

Transmission of your personal data

Les commentaires des visiteurs peuvent être vérifiés à l’aide d’un service automatisé de détection des commentaires indésirables.